About Me

Welcome to Incite Wealth!

I’m Dalton and I am the admin here at Incite Wealth.

I have built this website in order to help people succeed in online business.

I founded majority of my websites in early 2017. Since then I have established each site as an authority site in the Affiliate Marketing space. I am here to help you achieve the same success that I have experienced.

A little bit about me:

I grew up in a small town in California. In this town not many people were well-off or wealthy. My parents were never wealthy from a monetary standpoint, but were always there to support me and my drive and ambition. I had always excelled in school because I knew that I wanted to educated myself as well as possible. Money can be lost, however, no one can take away the things that you learn.

It was this drive for learning that led me to obtain an undergraduate degree in Petroleum Engineering followed by a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from two great universities.

I do have a day job working full time as a mechanical engineer in the energy efficiency industry. I consult with clients and customers on saving energy and ultimately conserving the environment. This is an extremely rewarding profession and I love what I do.

Although I thoroughly enjoy my job I knew that I wanted and needed more. I could not stop learning, and so I went on a search for online opportunities to generate an additional income. This is when I stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate and began the journey that led me here today.

I love to explore and adventure, travel the world, play sports, read, and learn.

This website is partially about me and writing about what I enjoy, yet it’s not ONLY about me.

One major enjoyment for me comes from helping people achieve their personal goals. That’s where you come in.

I want you to experience all the same successes and feelings of genuine happiness that I get to feel every day. That comes from having a healthy heart, healthy mind, and of course a steady form of income.

When I was a kid I had the mentality that I would one day be a millionaire.

Now, I’m not there yet, however, I am generating passive forms of income online, outside of my regular work day. Sometimes this can be hundreds, sometimes thousands, it’s all up to you and how hard you work!

I hope that all of you reading this genuinely enjoy the content I have to offer here at Incite WealthRemember if you have to get excited about something, get excited about pursuing success, learning, and living a financially free, prosperous life.

To incite means to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action. You probably have heard the phrase “incite a riot”… well I’m not here to incite a riot… I’m here to incite wealth.

If you are passionate about something don’t Incite a Riot. Incite Wealth!

I am always here to answer any questions you might have. You can very easily contact me via email at dalton@incitewealth.org and I will respond as soon as I see the message.

Happy Reading!

Also, feel free to reach out to through my Wealthy Affiliate Profile.