Many people are starting to build their own websites as a way of generating a passive side income. Many have actually been able to make this a full time income (myself included). Running a website has allowed thousands to escape their 9 to 5, write about their passions, travel the world, and share their experiences with readers like you.
I know this sounds like the ideal life. However, there are a few key things that I wish I had known before building my own website that I want to fill all of you folks in on before you dive head first into the online landscape.
There are thousands of people just like you and I that have managed to become extremely successful online. Many of those people are my colleagues and community members at Wealthy Affiliate. The issue is that most of us have had to start with little to no training. We have spent countless hours using trial and error and researching different techniques before we found the best one stop shop for Affiliate Marketing training on the internet.
With that being said… I want to share three major things I have learned in my 3 years as an affiliate marketer so that you can avoid making the mistakes that I did first starting out.
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