The Best Affiliate Marketing Websites

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Since I’ve been Affiliate Marketing I have run across thousands of affiliate links and opportunities to promote different products. What I have noticed, however, is how hard it is to distinguish quality affiliate sites from junk.

I’m writing this article to point out my 3 favorite affiliate websites and I will tell you exactly why each of them is fantastic.

I know that you can do individual product affiliate links, but I mostly go for networks due to the vast quantity of products you can find within an affiliate network. I would encourage you to do the same, depending on the content you are building.

I am not telling you to only specifically rely on these three sites, just leading you in the direction that will lead to the most conversions with the highest quality products.

Before we dive in, I’d like to mention a very important point.

Refuse To Sell Out…

This is the most important part of affiliate marketing. These days it seems as if everyone is trying to jump into the game of affiliate marketing.

Well how do you know someone is legit? Or that their product is legit? The truth is, you don’t… You can only use your best judgement and do the best thorough reviews of products with the information you are given or your own personal experiences.

When I urge you to refuse to sell out here’s what I mean…

Do not ever sacrifice your own morals and ethics to scam someone into buying something just so you can make a buck. If a product is crap, don’t pretend like it’s the best thing since sliced bread (Thanks Wonder Bread).

Usually people can see through your lying, and then when they use a garbage product that you have recommended guess who the negative traffic is going to reflect on… YOU.

With that being said, let’s talk about some of the networks that promote the highest quality products.

Number 1: Wealthy Affiliate

So obviously Wealthy Affiliate is my bread and butter. The reason being is because this network sets you up for success right off the bat. It’s free to join (as all affiliate marketing sites should be) and they actually teach you how to promote their product.

I promote Wealthy Affiliate not because of their great commissions, but because of the opportunity for success that this community has given to me. I can’t tell you how many times people ask me how I’m managing to host multiple websites, seamlessly, manage comments, write content, and not have a mental breakdown.

Wealthy Affiliate is the reason why. With all the back end hosting, email setup, and great support system within the community I almost never have a question go unanswered. The best part is that the founders are active members of the community and can help you along the way. If you want to learn more about my favorite affiliate marketing community check out my review here.

There is a reason I am still a WA member and that I have upgraded to their premium membership option. I suggest you get inside and chat with me about that. It is free after all.

Number 2: Clickbank

I think it goes without saying that Clickbank is an extremely dominant force in the realm of affiliate marketing. With the ability to filter the opportunities by average sales and initial sales you can limit your affiliate marketing campaigns to the most profitable ventures out there.

Clickbank also allows you to look into specific niches which is extremely important. I don’t want to be promoting children’s toys on a health and fitness website, and Clickbank’s filters really let you get right to the point.

The commissions are great with Clickbank. There is such a wide variety of products to promote that offer 60, 70, and even 80% commissions on sales. The profit margin isn’t huge for these products obviously, but if they are quality and they work then there is absolutely no problem promoting that product and receiving great commissions.

I personally know some bloggers that have turned just their Clickbank affiliate marketing sites into $1,000/day sites. I can’t tell you how insane this is to hear about their great success just through one affiliate marketing site.

If you haven’t heard of Clickbank, it is also free to sign up as an affiliate. I highly suggest you head over there and sign up for an account. Even if you never use any of the affiliate links that Clickbank has to offer, at least you will have a better idea of what the best platforms offer before you move on to somewhere with lower quality products.

Number 3: Commission Junction

Commission Junction is my third favorite. They are a little more exclusive and actually pretty ad focused. Considering I’m not a huge fan of ad placement I would say they come in at number three on my list strictly due to that.

I do love their platform. The exclusivity and feel to the site is important. They only allow legitimate sites to display content and promote products. the biggest thing here is that you won’t get crummy products if you don’t approve the ads or products you are linking to.

Here, you can share your business model and goals for your website or blog with Commission Junction and then advertisers can reach out to you when you fit their niche in order to market their products. This is important because you can directly declare your standards up front.

You can accept or decline offers, and some offers will still be spammy.

I highly encourage you to decline those offers. Don’t just see dollar signs and chase every ad you see or your site will begin to look ridiculous. In addition, readers will get fed up as I do when I am searching for new quality content to read.

Sometimes I am just interested in the story and when 5 ads are blasting me in the face I simply exit. I don’t need to read the content bad enough to fight through over ad placed sites.

There you have it!

Those are my top three affiliate marketing sites. I really hope that you enjoyed reading and gained some value from this post. I hope you sign up for all three options as they are all free and by no means a waste of time!

If you do jump into Wealthy Affiliate I will personally help you out with whatever it is you are looking to get out of your online affiliate experience and answer any questions you might have. Think of me as your personal coach. You can model your success based on what I have done here at Incite Wealth or Incite Fitness. Let me tell you, it’s rewarding.

If you have experience with any of these three please feel free to leave me a comment as always! I’d love to hear your story. In addition, if you have any questions before signing up feel free to ask below as well and I can answer as soon as I see it.


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