I know that when you are first starting out it seems like traffic to your website cannot come soon enough. You want to do everything in your power to promote your website and start making money.
Many people don’t see the results they are looking for with a new website until about the three to six month window. This seems like forever when you are working on a new site every single day and spending countless hours grinding and trying to find traffic.
Here’s the ugly truth, you aren’t going to magically see traffic overnight.
I do have to say there are people out there with millions of social media followers, but you are likely not them or you wouldn’t be here reading about the best way to promote your website.
You would instead be already posting your site on this social media account and bankrolling on the traffic influx you would already be seeing.
I’ve tried and failed with so many different outlets…
I have spent countless hours on this subject, and have also spent more money than I would care to admit prematurely promoting a website.
If there is one thing I can tell you, premature promotion of your site will get you nowhere. You will spend all of your spare time checking analytics and trying to figure out why you aren’t seeing the conversions you think you should be seeing.
Promotion is easier for me because I have all my social media sites setup already. Usually I can promote one site through another more stable site. However, I am assuming you don’t have this luxury.
In order to effectively promote your site, I can really only suggest one thing. Create engaging, quality content.
By creating quality posts consistently you will begin to solidify your keyword base. This leads directly into effective SEO.
Search engine optimization is what will be the key factor for promoting your site. You want that organic traffic that visits your site because they searched for the exact keywords you have written around. This is what will create conversions and contribute directly to monetizing your website.
In addition to creating the building blocks for a high converting site, you will have tons more ideas for content creation and expansion in the future. This is all because you have created a content base that people will begin to get curious about.
When people become curious, they start to ask questions. Go back through older posts. See what sort of questions you can come up with that you have not covered in a previous post, and answer that question in the next post you write!
This is a great way to cover all aspects of a particular category within your site.
I would encourage you to take advantage of the free advertising sources you already have.
One of the best tools out there are your friends and family. These are the people that want you to succeed. Don’t be scared to share your shiny new website with these folks. They are going to be your biggest proponents and will begin to share your content naturally also.
If you really start to engage them, you will also have a general idea of what type of content works for the majority of people reading that style of website.
I personally have been very timid about sharing my websites with friends and family. It can be scary to let people in on your secret, especially when you are affiliate marketing. Some people won’t approve. To those naysayers, I say remove yourself from my news feed!
The point here is to never let a couple negative people discourage you from sharing content. If you are receiving flack from people on posts that you’ve written to really help provide information to the world, then the people dishing this out are not your true friends.
Every single one of my friends have reacted positively to my postings. They have all been genuinely excited that I am pursuing such a great opportunity online, and they have all been genuinely excited when I report back to them the great successes that I experience every day in this marketplace.
Make sure you exhaust every single social media market out there.
Use all of your social accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and whatever else you may have that I can’t think of off the top of my head.
I know all of this seems like a ton of work… It is. No one told you that you weren’t going to have to put in some time and effort to create a successful online business. If they did tell you that, they were lying, and they were probably trying to scam you out of your hard earned money.
However, we know that your follower base is different on every single site. This means that different people are seeing your content when you post it on different social media pages. This leads to more unique users, and more unique shares.
Your friends probably have vastly different networks also, so if two different friends share your content, you are likely going to see very different reactions from their respective networks. This is great for promotion as you are reaching a much broader audience.
The main thing here is that you should be focusing on content creation. Your site will begin to naturally promote itself through Google, Bing, and Yahoo search engines as your site becomes more credible.
If you want to learn more about how to create converting content I would suggest you head over to Wealthy Affiliate and sign up for a free account. From there you will have access to fantastic resources that will explain to you exactly how your content can engage readers and lead to monetization. Don’t believe me?
Check out this blog post and then come back and tell me you didn’t learn something new. Matter of fact, that’s a challenge… I want you to head over to that link, if you don’t learn something come back here and let me know in the comments! If you do, also come back here and let me know in the comments. Either way, I want to hear it.
I have a question about social media… I think that if I will create too many social accounts I won’t be able to keep track of them all and I will find myself lost… Would you suggest to start with only few or to open all at once?
Hi Paulina!
Thanks for stopping by, I do have an answer for this one!
I personally have started with just the most populated Social Media networks. I know that when you first start out even just writing content can be extremely overwhelming so it is always good to get your feet wet. In addition to affiliate marketing I do still focus on my day job so I can’t say I have all the time in the world to manage too many social media accounts.
My personal suggestions are Facebook, Instagram, and Google+. It seems Google SEO favors those who share their content on G+.
Good luck to you! Hope I answered your question.
This is perfect and i must commend you for this insightful blog post. Google Search engine optimization is the best of all and i think bloggers needs to utilize this opportunity effectively. i could remember i depended on some social media platform for traffic when i wanted to start my blog but they are not forthcoming till i tried SEO and am glad the traffic i get on daily basis is whao.
Hi Abioye,
I know the tone maybe was a little more in your face than what most are used to, so I do have to say that wasn’t my intention but I am glad that you considered it insightful and that I was able to make a lasting impression.
SEO is awesome, that as a resource alone is a tough marketplace to break into, but it seems you’re on the right track. Social media helps early on just for peace of mind. In the very end though majority of your traffic will come from SEO.
Best of luck to you and congratulations on the organic search engine traffic.
I love the look of your website – very inspiring! I’ve been hesitant to share my new blog with anyone I know. Like you said I don’t want to hear them say it won’t work or that I’m wasting my time. That fear has left me creating all new social networks… with few followers
I’m going to take your advice, because I KNOW my blog is going to be successful. Thank you for the inspiration to share! By the way – Wealthy Affiliate is a wonderful resource for training and tons of helpful people. I highly recommend it too!!
Hi Tama,
Sharing with the people you know is tough. However, it can be really rewarding if you have a good support system surrounding you. New social networks and new followings take a large amount of time and effort.
I’m glad I could inspire you. Your blog will most certainly be successful! Just focus on content creation. Glad you’ve stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate and have been able to take full advantage of the benefits they have to offer!
Thanks for reading,
The takeaway that I got from your article is to better manage your time and focus on quality content rather than if traffic is heading your way. It seems that google prefers the person that is patient and creating quality content over someone who is being spammy and trying to spread there site via not so “legitimate” ways to increase their traffic.
You mention that you should go onto every social media how is this possible when working a full time job. How do you get time to create content and have control over all social media platforms? A problem that I have encountered is being to make time to make money online.
Jordan, that would be a great takeaway and exactly what I was hoping to get across with this message.
Your concern with taking time for social media is more than valid. I highly suggest putting a few of these on “share mode”. What I mean is, share on some of the more major platforms or platforms that will influence indexing and ranking of content first.
The more minor social platforms should be thought about last.
There’s a pretty in detail article that I wrote recently regarding this exact subject.
I too have a full time job, running multiple websites and building a social media following in the spare time is not an easy feat. I usually have to put in a full Saturday and maybe 2 hours a day during the week to really do everything properly.
I think that having a full time job almost makes you more disciplined as you have no time to waste.
If you want to read a bit more about how I utilize social media for my website promotion and ultimately to drive sales, click here.
Good luck to you and stay dedicated! If you have patience and solid work ethic the result will come with time.
Thanks for reading!
Traffic is the lifeblood for a website. I think while starting a new website we should focus on free sources like Google, youtube and social media and afterwards we can focus on paid promotion. Creating a quality blog is very important for your brand credibility and success. It takes time to create a good amount of content but can bring you traffic for a long time.
Hi Sanjay!
I agree, traffic is the heart of the body of online business.
The free sources are the best sources of traffic early on. I did offer up the idea of PPC in another comment to a bit more experienced marketer. However, that is much further down the road. Quality content is king. Your conversions won’t happen without a natural flow to your writing and a very genuine tone.
Thanks for offering your two cents! Much appreciated.
This is an excellent article because it describes what I’m going through. Thanks for putting this description together; it has many specifics that I can follow because I am anxious to see more traffic come across. Fortunately I have not reached the six months window yet, not do I want to reach it without seeing at least some success. I’m hoping that by following your suggestions, that coveted traffic will become a reality.Thanks Again.
Thanks for reading. I don’t think the desire and anxiety for and surrounding more traffic ever truly goes away. Even with the type of traffic I see today I constantly want more more more. It’s tough, but all you can keep doing is publishing content and waiting for the rankings to come in.
Eventually your 100 daily clicks will turn into 1000 and eventually that will become 10000.
If you follow the suggestions outlined in this article I can almost guarantee you will see some serious success. Just remember, it takes time. Patience is a virtue and if you have it you will be successful.
Best of luck to you and building your online business.
Yes, you are correct, content is the most important thing to gain traffic to the website. I checked the link you have provided and WA training is amazing.
I have tried messenger, I shared my articles to my friends but very few respond by a thumbs up and I felt so bad. So I decided to not to share with my friends.
Besides, sharing with friends, what is the best way to gain traffic to the website?
Hi Yasodhara,
Content is always the best way to propel your business properly.
WA is an amazing platform for getting started and can teach you an unfathomable amount on building your very own online business.
Messenger is an okay way to discuss the platform and encourage others, but that marketing ploy usually ends up exactly the way you said.
PPC advertising targets those who might be interested in your keywords, that is a valuable option. On top of that you can keep sharing with friends but just keep developing content and building out those organic traffic grabbers. Keyword research and analysis are both key as well.
There are tools like Jaaxy that will help make sure you are ranking in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Organic traffic is usually high converting traffic as well. Click below to read more about keyword analysis and how tools like Jaaxy can help you rank in search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
Jaaxy – The Keyword Tool That Will Guarantee Your Site Ranks in Google
Hope that all helps!
Thanks for reading,