How To Make Money From Home: Affiliate Marketing

These days there are all sorts of scams online promoting ways to get rich quick or make money in five minutes for doing absolutely nothing. The harsh reality is that this isn’t possible, and anyone promising you millions in a month is probably lying to your face.

If you want to learn how to build a legitimate online business and understand how to make money from home, you need to learn more information about a real option. An option that I have utilized myself, and utilized quite well to be seeing the results I am.

This option takes time and hard work. You have to learn as much as possible about a subject, write about that subject, and eventually sell that subject. There will be many grueling hours that you put in before you see a return.

However, you can start Affiliate Marketing for free if you find the right sites. You essentially are making money for telling people about the things you love to do, which is the best kind of money to be made.

In addition, you can eventually work all over the world while traveling almost full time. This isn’t to be confused with the promotion of quitting your day job right this minute. You have to pay your dues and be a motivated individual to succeed in the online market place, but there are great tools out there to help you.

If you want to get started making money from home keep reading because I’m going to explain to you exactly how I’ve done it.

What Does It Take To Break Into Affiliate Marketing?

All you really need is an affiliate link. Ideally you will set up your own website which can easily be done with free domain generating websites or tools like the one below.

After you have created your own unique domain name, you now have a platform to market products. The next step is to find somewhere to host the back end of your site and manage posts, pages, comments, etc. There are multiple sites that do this for free including WordPress and Wealthy Affiliate.

Ideally you will not start right out of the gate marketing products as you have to gain credibility within the search engines before you can head down this road.

This is called SEO or Search Engine Optimization. SEO is extremely important because it allows you to rank in search engines. This means that your pages will be seen straight away when users perform searches, and you will see more traffics and clicks to your website.

Once you have begun to write about the things you enjoy, you will soon realize that there are millions of products and programs out there that relate to your topic. I generally suggest targeting something narrow. More information on targeting a specific niche can be found here.

After you streamline the possible products that you can market, find a site or program that allows for affiliate marketers. Generally this means that they will assign a specific link that tracks the referrals that you send to their product page. If sales are generating when people click through your link then you receive a commission.

Commissions can range from 4% or so all the way up to 75% for some programs and my favorite affiliate programs can be found here. With the internet growing at an extremely rapid pace and only 47% of the worlds 6.4 Billion people currently on the internet, the only place this market can move is forward.

The last thing it takes to start your own affiliate marketing endeavor is dedication. You can’t slack off after 2 months of working on building this platform. You have to understand that hard work over time is rewarded substantially with results.

Why Is This The Best Program For Working At Home?

Affiliate Marketing is hands down the best route I’ve found for working at home. There are many different ways to work from home at this point including doing marketing and sales for big corporations like Xerox. Freelance writing and graphic designing, as well as drop shipping and customer service have become common work at home industries also.

There are also MLM options out there where you can buy a product at wholesale prices and then market it and sell it to your friends or people within your local market. This usually ends up in a ton of product sitting in your garage never moving because people know better than to buy the crappy products that MLMs push.

I am convinced that these aren’t as sustainable long term as the market changes frequently in these industries. As these markets change it is harder to adapt than adapting your niche website to what’s popular at the time. If you were to write a how to get rich instantly blog, that would probably be popular right now and adaptable since everyone is trying to break into the online marketplace over night. However, there are proper steps you have to take to become a successful affiliate.

When you are starting out affiliate marketing you need some sort of self learning opportunity than can help guide you on your way. I have talked about Wealthy Affiliate pretty extensively because this platform provides you a great community to learn about affiliate marketing and figure out just what works and what does not.

I would say that Wealthy Affiliate is the best affiliate program on the market because of their generous commissions (~50%) as well as the quality education on affiliate marketing that they provide you.

In addition you will have up to 25 custom domains hosted with a premium membership. Wealthy Affiliate is also selling a legitimate product against the scammers out there that force you into buying some outrageous traffic generator that generates artificial traffic through your site instead of learning how to create real sales organically.

So now you have a work at home platform where all you need is the internet, a bit of savvy when it comes to being a convincing writer, and dedication to whatever it is you are working on. There is a very real possibility of you making a full time living with affiliate marketing.

If you want to learn more I highly suggest you sign up below.

If you have any additional questions feel free to post them in the comments below and I can personally respond to you. If you want to know more about affiliate marketing or other work from home opportunities I can answer those questions in the comments as well.

How To Make Money Writing Articles

We all know the internet is growing each and every year. With 6.4 Billion people on the planet and only around 47 percent of those people using the internet (a large majority still with 3G networks) there is endless opportunity.

While there is no shortage of content out there for all the internet beginners to read, you can still make some money by contributing yourself.

You might now be wondering how to make money writing articles. Well I have a couple key ways to do this that you might find interesting.

Build Your Own Website

The first way to generate revenue online strictly through writing is by building your own website. If you build your own website that gives you all the control over your own niche, what you want to write about, and in the long run how much you make.

There are multiple ways to monetize your content. The first would be through affiliate linking. Affiliate links are links that allow people to click through to a product, sign up or buy that product, and then you receive a commission on their purchase. There are tons of different affiliate opportunities out there including major companies like Amazon.

Think of any product on the market. Now that you have one in mind, go search google for that product + affiliate program. Tell me what you find in the comments.

I would put a good amount of money on you finding an affiliate program for that product. If it doesn’t come directly through that brand then there is probably a third party such as ClickBank or Commission Junction taking care of the affiliate marketing for this company.

Many of these affiliate programs will offer you awesome commissions. These can range from Amazon, generally on the low end at 4-7% all the way to private products that come in around 65-70%.

While that seems insane, digital products are usually pretty high priced and once created there is no cost to ship, etc. Therefore the profit margin is huge and marketers don’t mind giving you large commissions.

Essentially all you have to do is write out quality content and the rest will work itself out. Before you know it (usually 3-6 months, sorry it doesn’t come overnight) you will be earning a pretty steady income from affiliate marketing.

If you want to learn more about how to do this I highly suggest you check out my Wealthy Affiliate Review where you can learn absolutely everything you need with tons of support from the community for free. No credit card required either.

Freelance Writing

If writing is your strong suit and managing the behind the scenes isn’t really what you want to get into, then I suggest freelance writing.

This can remove all of the necessity of affiliate linking, managing different product reviews, and trying to make sure you’re consistently generating content that ranks within search engines. This is often called Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

A lot of people out there write for blogs or websites that are currently in very good standing within the internet already. This makes it easy to become a recognized writer.

If you write well, you can get paid extremely well to write out good quality content. As you learn SEO many people will pay for content that is optimized to target particular keywords as well.

Don’t really know how to get started? No worries. There are even opportunities out there that can place you with particular jobs. Check out my review for Writing Jobs Online. They do a great job of generating new and exciting writing jobs with some of the top websites out there.

Let’s Talk About The Cash

Okay so I know a lot of people are interested in writing content because they want money. Don’t get me wrong, who doesn’t?! So many people these days have become freelance writers or built their own website and now they can travel the world and work full time.

This sounds like an amazing life, but is it a reality?

It most certainly is. I personally know that almost all of the dedicated community members at Wealthy Affiliate and those that use the affiliate marketing techniques, or even freelance writing opportunities above are generating a steady revenue.

How much you make is completely up to you. I know some people that only make a couple hundred bucks a month. I also know others that are leveraging every resource they can and knocking down $250,000 a year by managing multiple websites and writing quality content every single day.

There is something to be said for hard work and dedication. Just like anything you do, writing online will require drive and determination. There is really no easy magic solution to making money from home. If you work at it though, you will see amazing results as I have with this site and with many others that I have generated in the past.

With all the ongoing changes in algorithms from the search engines you never know when opportunity is going to strike. Something may change drastically next month that harms a lot of the well established pages and allows you to capitalize with the content that you have been consistently writing.

If you are interested in writing content online for yourself or other people, I highly encourage you to take advantage of the free domains offered through SiteRubix. Go ahead and create your first domain below!

This will get you well on your way to building your own website. If you want to just stick to freelancing, leave me a comment below and we can talk about the possibility of you writing great content just like this for me.

Everyone Wants To Get Rich Now

These days everyone wants to get rich now. Well, here’s the deal… Unless you hit the lottery (the odds in winning are about 1 in 14,000,000) then you probably are going to have to work your ass off to get rich.

Bam, there’s the truth. This lifestyle will not come easy and you will have to spend countless hours grinding away. Whether you do it online or through some sort of brick and mortar business or through inspiring others to pursue their full potential…whatever your methodology is…you will have to WORK.

18 Hour Days

A large majority of people think that there’s some secret formula. Those people are also the same people that think one resource is going to make it happen for them. Guess what… That’s not how it goes down.

I want to level with you right now. The reason that I’ve become successful over the years and have been able to build a fully functional, revenue generating online business is because I work 18 hour days.

There you have it. If 18 hours doesn’t sound doable then I encourage you to become comfortable with where you are at in life right now because you will stay there. However, if you are motivated and you can push yourself to grind every day for 18 hours then keep reading.

What do 18 hour days encompass?

Waking up at absurd hours. I sometimes wake up at 4:00am to make coffee, shower, and prepare to get my business operating. That and the stock market opens at 6:30am.

The necessary research has to be done so that I can appropriately judge the market at the opening bell. Check out my Penny Stocking series to learn more about how I generate an income trading Penny Stocks in the morning.

Overwhelming Positivity. You won’t truly understand how grueling long hours like this are until you experience an 18 hour work day. I’m not talking about a day where you mess around for half of those hours on social media or watching television.

I’m talking about a real 18-hour work day. Non-stop hustling. Well, you need an insanely positive attitude, and you need to understand that success WILL COME if you just keep pushing forward. This positive outlook will save you from quitting at the starting line.

Failure. Have you ever worked an 18 hour day on something, thought it was perfect, and received zero engagement on whatever project this was? I have. Guess what… It’s not exciting whatsoever.

I want to tell you that you will fail. I’m being up front because not everything is perfect, and expecting everything to be perfect is just setting you up to quit the first time something doesn’t go your way.

Leverage Every Resource You Can Find

The average millionaire has a minimum of 7 incomes. That might sound like a lot but lets break some of mine down right here.

  1. Affiliate Marketing– Wealthy Affiliate provides me with a beautiful platform for building an online business. It allows me to create and host websites in addition to receiving commissions for sending others to learn all the secrets to affiliate marketing that I have.
  2. Penny Stock Trading– and specifically Timothy Sykes has taught me insane amounts of information that I never would have imagined. I couldn’t have pictured myself understanding and trading the market every single day for the last two years, and doing it successfully without this guy.
  3. Real Estate– Did you know that you can actually buy and sell houses without using any of your own money? It sounds insane, but there are tons of systems out there that are creating millionaires every day. I use Nick Ruiz’s unique system.
  4. Instagram– Selling shoutouts and advertisement space on Instagram has become one of the most popular ways to create a passive income in the last two years. Want to check out my progress with my most recent endeavor? Follow @incite.wealth. Who knows maybe it will inspire you to start doing this as well.
  5. Web Advertisement– All of my successful websites have received requests for advertisement. In addition, I have installed Google’s Adsense on these sites. This leads to around $0.48 on average per click. That doesn’t seem like a lot but when your traffic chart is showing 2000 clicks/day…well…you do the math.
  6. My Day Job- Everyone talks about becoming loaded and quitting. Well that’s not me. I absolutely love my day job, I get to be creative, innovative, and still have a great work life balance so I can come home and blast through managing all of my other sources of income.
  7. My Own Community- I’m working on building a community as I write this. I am building an empire of millionaires, innovators, and successful or driven individuals. Think you have what it takes? Email me or leave a comment and I’ll show you where to apply.

Learn From Those Who Have Done It

Your best resource are those around you that have created their own success. They have no special talents that you lack, they have put in the hard work and it has rewarded them tremendously.

They say that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Look at your life right now, think about the people you spend the most time with. Are these the people that are pushing you towards your goals? Are they holding you back or hating on your drive for success? Get rid of the toxicity in your life.

There are tons of people out there building networks of successful people. I encourage you to join these networks. Not just one of them, but as many as you can. This is where you will see results.

The very popular Gary Vaynerchuk recently threw this quote out there…”Eat shit for 24 months & eat caviar for the rest of your life.” I absolutely love this quote. You will have to put in your time. It doesn’t happen now. You won’t be getting rich with some get rich quick scheme.

Maybe two years seems quick to you, but to me it seems slow. I say get rich slow. Get down and dirty. Get drug through the mud. Learn what it’s like to have to hustle every single day for two years. It WILL BE WORTH IT when you become financially free.

I hope this has inspired you not to get rich now, but to get rich as soon as you realistically can, by putting in as much work as you can and staying focused with your eyes on the prize. Here’s a picture of a yacht for motivation reasons.

The One And Only Secret Recipe For Success

A lot of people have been asking me recently how I have been able to become successful at promoting my websites online. I know people think I have some secret recipe for success, and it’s true.

I want to share this recipe with you. What is in my special sauce for success? You’re about to learn. You probably would have never guessed that these three things make up the tripod of success that I have founded all of my online businesses based upon.

The truth is, they are simple, and everyone can use these ingredients to create their own success.


This is going down the typical road of success comes to those who are motivated, but this is not true. You can be motivated and lack the other two key components of this recipe.

You can also be motivated, but not motivated enough, or only motivated for a couple hours of the day. I’m about to explain to you just how motivated you need to be in order to succeed.

Grind day in and day out. If you knew that you would have to operate on only 4 hours of sleep a night in order to be successful would you still be motivated?

Most people don’t understand just how much their motivation is going to be tested when they get involved in Affiliate Marketing and becoming an online entrepreneur. Believe me, it is a grueling process but it is rewarding.

That’s why I’ve come up with a couple key tips to keep you going. I have personally used these, and they have kept me motivated to this day.

Read quotes from important or famous people. I know this seems stupid, and I know it seems like they won’t inspire you or that you are too good for reading quotes because you “don’t need them”. Let me tell you, I thought the same way. I now read quotes every single day, and in fact, I now post them on Instagram @incite.wealth to inspire others daily.

Quotes force me to stay motivated. I am able to remember why I started, and remember my end goal. These quotes from successful people who have been there and gone through the same things I have now gone through are important because they will begin to resonate with the struggles you are going through.

Look at yourself in the mirror. You should do this a lot. Not because you think you are insanely good looking, but so that you can reflect on who you are currently, and who you see yourself as in some set period of time.

I always go after the 5 year mark because I feel like there will be very significant changes every 5 years in my life, and that has held true thus far. Although things change a lot in even a year, 5 is a guaranteed change if you are a motivated individual.

Try this once, and tell yourself that you will succeed. If it doesn’t make you feel motivated, that’s fine, but I’m betting it will. Take it seriously, and do it every morning and you will realize that you have a much more positive outlook on your journey.


I’m not saying you need to be naturally gifted in mathematics, psychology, or business. I am saying that you should never stop learning and teaching yourself.

This not only helps you to create a more solid foundation for yourself, it keeps you young and relevant. One of the greatest businessmen to ever live, Henry Ford, once said,

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

Keep your mind young and fresh and you will be surprised at the innovative and creative ways that you come up with to build and scale your online business.

I have created a unique reading list of my top 5 favorites for you. I encourage you to complete this list because of the infinite benefits you can gain from each:

  1. Curious by Ian Leslie
  2. The Power of Habit, Why We Do What We Do In Life and Business by Charles Duhigg
  3. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham (one of Warren Buffet’s favorites)
  4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  5. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

I personally have read every single one of these from start to finish multiple times. They have caused me to become a better person, a better marketer, and have allowed me to understand others better. Not to mention they are all pretty cheap these days.

“The most successful salesman understand their customers better than they understand themselves”- Me, 2017


Have you ever heard of anyone building anything without tools? Yeah, me either. You must position yourself somewhere with the right tools. I am not forcing you down any path here but I do have some suggestions for you. Let me outline the key tools I suggest.

First you need internet. I’m convinced that the internet is the future of marketing and if you want to become successful I believe you are still in the early adopter stage of the internet marketing life cycle.

Times are changing, and there is still 84% of the 6.5 BILLION people on Earth not using the internet. As this number increases over the years there will be unlimited opportunity for you to reach more and more users, create more and more sales and convert more and more content.

If this doesn’t seem like a wide-open market then I don’t know what would be the best market for you.

Next, you need people. Usually I would say you need to build a support system because times get tough and you need people to help push you forward.

My views have now changed. I say you need followers. You need people to surround you that are genuinely interested in what you have to say. Whether this comes in the form of readers on the internet, followers on social media, or people that you influence every day in person.

Build yourself a solid network and carry yourself with confidence. Believe in what you are selling and those who follow you will start to believe as well.

Last, you need a platform or product. Businesses are changing. You no longer need to be out there trying to create some new fancy gadget that you can patent and sell to a million people.

These days you can leverage digital content, leverage your skills and abilities, and create a product that can sell. I would encourage you to use yourself as your product, because you are the easiest product to market.

However, there are other options if you dig into drop shipping, eCommerce, or you can still create a physical something you are passionate about. These days you can become an entrepreneur with absolutely no money.

I personally suggest the best tool I’ve run across that combines people and a product. That tool is Wealthy Affiliate.

I really hope that I have given you a comprehensive overview of my recipe for success. These are the three most important things I can come up with.


I will try to do a Part II on this later, but for now, leave a comment if you have any additional ingredients you would like to share. Also, share with your friends on social media so they too can benefit from the age of digital marketing.





Wake up early and don’t hit snooze. When you eliminate the snooze button you will struggle. I know this because I was the king of the snooze button for years. If you wake up early, and wake up the first time, you will position yourself for a better start to your day. Not to mention you reduce that groggy feeling

What Is The Best Way To Promote Your Website?

I know that when you are first starting out it seems like traffic to your website cannot come soon enough. You want to do everything in your power to promote your website and start making money.

Many people don’t see the results they are looking for with a new website until about the three to six month window. This seems like forever when you are working on a new site every single day and spending countless hours grinding and trying to find traffic.

Here’s the ugly truth, you aren’t going to magically see traffic overnight.

I do have to say there are people out there with millions of social media followers, but you are likely not them or you wouldn’t be here reading about the best way to promote your website.

You would instead be already posting your site on this social media account and bankrolling on the traffic influx you would already be seeing.

I’ve tried and failed with so many different outlets…

I have spent countless hours on this subject, and have also spent more money than I would care to admit prematurely promoting a website.

If there is one thing I can tell you, premature promotion of your site will get you nowhere. You will spend all of your spare time checking analytics and trying to figure out why you aren’t seeing the conversions you think you should be seeing.

Promotion is easier for me because I have all my social media sites setup already. Usually I can promote one site through another more stable site. However, I am assuming you don’t have this luxury.

In order to effectively promote your site, I can really only suggest one thing. Create engaging, quality content.

By creating quality posts consistently you will begin to solidify your keyword base. This leads directly into effective SEO.

Search engine optimization is what will be the key factor for promoting your site. You want that organic traffic that visits your site because they searched for the exact keywords you have written around. This is what will create conversions and contribute directly to monetizing your website.

In addition to creating the building blocks for a high converting site, you will have tons more ideas for content creation and expansion in the future. This is all because you have created a content base that people will begin to get curious about.

When people become curious, they start to ask questions. Go back through older posts. See what sort of questions you can come up with that you have not covered in a previous post, and answer that question in the next post you write!

This is a great way to cover all aspects of a particular category within your site.

I would encourage you to take advantage of the free advertising sources you already have.

One of the best tools out there are your friends and family. These are the people that want you to succeed. Don’t be scared to share your shiny new website with these folks. They are going to be your biggest proponents and will begin to share your content naturally also.

If you really start to engage them, you will also have a general idea of what type of content works for the majority of people reading that style of website.

I personally have been very timid about sharing my websites with friends and family. It can be scary to let people in on your secret, especially when you are affiliate marketing. Some people won’t approve. To those naysayers, I say remove yourself from my news feed!

The point here is to never let a couple negative people discourage you from sharing content. If you are receiving flack from people on posts that you’ve written to really help provide information to the world, then the people dishing this out are not your true friends.

Every single one of my friends have reacted positively to my postings. They have all been genuinely excited that I am pursuing such a great opportunity online, and they have all been genuinely excited when I report back to them the great successes that I experience every day in this marketplace.

Make sure you exhaust every single social media market out there.

Use all of your social accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and whatever else you may have that I can’t think of off the top of my head.

I know all of this seems like a ton of work… It is. No one told you that you weren’t going to have to put in some time and effort to create a successful online business. If they did tell you that, they were lying, and they were probably trying to scam you out of your hard earned money.

However, we know that your follower base is different on every single site. This means that different people are seeing your content when you post it on different social media pages. This leads to more unique users, and more unique shares.

Your friends probably have vastly different networks also, so if two different friends share your content, you are likely going to see very different reactions from their respective networks. This is great for promotion as you are reaching a much broader audience.

The main thing here is that you should be focusing on content creation. Your site will begin to naturally promote itself through Google, Bing, and Yahoo search engines as your site becomes more credible.

If you want to learn more about how to create converting content I would suggest you head over to Wealthy Affiliate and sign up for a free account. From there you will have access to fantastic resources that will explain to you exactly how your content can engage readers and lead to monetization. Don’t believe me?

Check out this blog post and then come back and tell me you didn’t learn something new. Matter of fact, that’s a challenge… I want you to head over to that link, if you don’t learn something come back here and let me know in the comments! If you do, also come back here and let me know in the comments. Either way, I want to hear it.




How To Make Money Online For Free

I am often asked how I am able to make money online for free. There’s an easy answer to that question… so read on my friend.

Many of you are here because you’re struggling to make money in the real world. I understand turning to building online income is the most ideal scenario for you.

Maybe you have a family at home, and you don’t have time for a full time job. Maybe you need additional income but you have responsibilities in the evenings that don’t allow you to pick up those extra hours working night shifts.

Maybe you’re just a teenager and looking to make some bucks in the afternoons. Maybe you’re a college student trying to avoid the grind of the dining hall dish room (I’ve been there, it’s not my favorite form of income).

What if you don’t have the money to fire up a brick & mortar business? What if you don’t have any creative ideas for your own product? What if you don’t even know where to start?

Whoever you are… and whatever your goal is… you can create a form of income, you can create an online business, and you can do it absolutely free.

There not a single reason to get bogged down by your background, or the questions that we’ve all asked ourselves many times before.

I want to help you build your own website where you can talk about the things you love, and learn how to monetize it for free.

There are easy steps you must take to become successful online…

Ditch The Negative Mentality

If you have ever had a negative attitude about your finances or your abilities… get rid of it right now. If you are unmotivated and you can’t see yourself as being successful in the future, your thought process is all wrong.

Matthew McConaughey said in his famous Oscar acceptance speech that his hero was himself in 10 years. I encourage you to listen to it here. Be your own hero in ten years, strive for greatness, and don’t stop until you achieve it. When you hit that ten year mark, you should have a new hero… That hero? You in ten more years…

A negative mentality will get you nowhere in life, those who succeed travel down a road paved with failure. No successful entrepreneur that I have personally spoken to has described to me a path filled with daisies and butterflies.

All of these people were up late, grinding away, becoming more and more passionate about their dreams every day they worked towards them. When they failed, they didn’t quit, and now they have achieved great success.

Find A Passion

I personally know people that have created a steady income from video games. They can film themselves playing video games on YouTube and bankroll. If that doesn’t sound like a good gig to you, I don’t know what does.

The point is, these people are passionate about what they are doing. Do you think someone would want to play video games on YouTube for people if they didn’t love to play video games? Do you think I would write about the pursuit of happiness and wealth if I didn’t love the direction my own life is heading in?

Be passionate about whatever it is that you want in life. Make sure to revolve your online presence around your passion as well. I personally have a passion for fitness and have since started a page involving healthy habits and a fit lifestyle.

The reason that this is a successful web endeavor is because I genuinely love helping people reach their goals. Whether those goals be mental health, physical health, nutritional goals, or financial goals, I want to see people succeeding all around me.

Stay Away From The Scam Artists

These days it is so tough to see past all the fluff that is out there. Every single day I see people getting suckered into these MLM schemes, which I wrote about in one of my recent articles here.

In addition to these online schemes you have all these people selling you “digital content” that is supposed to help you become rich in 5 easy steps, or build wealth while doing absolutely nothing.

Well… welcome to the real world. While you can do it for FREE, you can’t do it without putting in some hard work and dedication. You ever heard the saying you get out what you put in? That’s still the truth today, even on the internet. The fact is, I haven’t found the magic shortcut, but I have figured out how to reduce the learning curve significantly.

Understand that this is a new age… you don’t have to spend a ton of money to make money! Quit letting people lie to your face and tell you that you need to buy a particular product in order to generate your own revenue. That is an absolute BS statement that these people sell you just to convince you to buy their useless products.

With all the free resources for building websites, blogging, and learning out there today… you don’t have to pay a dime to get started.

Take Those First Steps

Not many people out there can say that they learned to walk before they could crawl. Yes there are a few, but they are an anomaly.

I am always reading about people within the Wealthy Affiliate community that have struggled for up to a year before seeing a real positive income come from their online endeavors.

Granted, most people become successful online much earlier than that… Here are some examples of people who have done so.  Feel free to sift through any of those WA members profiles and you’ll see one common theme: repetitive success.

The truth is, they have a formula, they have the help and support system, and they have it all for free. I highly encourage you to check out the system I use, and I really hope you’ll sign up for free and get in touch with me when you do.

I know you too can be successful, have the ability to travel the world, live financially free, and explore life the way you’ve always wanted to. Check out my honest thoughts on the Wealthy Affiliate platform that I have integrated into my daily life.

Any questions? Feel free to ask in the comment section and I’ll make sure I cover everything you want to know in my response. If this article helped to motivate you to take your first steps to making money online for free, please share it with your friends!

How To Buy A Lamborghini for $49 Per Month

Most of you probably ended up here because you are trying to figure out the fastest, most realistic way to reaching your goals, living a life financially free. I’m here to explain just how to do that.

No Empty Promises

One big problem I have with all these “self-proclaimed millionaires” out there is that they take photos of their cash, nice cars, boats, and travel and spit it all at you in some huge marketing scheme to get you to buy into their BS.

I’m not that sort of guy. You won’t get any empty promises from me, and I’m not going to tell you that you won’t have to bust your ass in the beginning to achieve your goals. I’ve always been a firm believer in getting in what you put out. So sit down and listen and I’ll tell you just how to buy yourself a Lamborghini.

A Brand New Lamborghini is EXPENSIVE

Most of these babies run around $200k brand new. That’s usually for the more basic models and the price is only going up. The 2015 Lamborghini Aventador (my personal favorite model) for example runs more like $400-$450k brand new.

This is not unattainable, but it will take hard work. You see $400k now and it seems so far off, but maybe it doesn’t, and maybe that’s why you’re here. Maybe you are hungry, maybe you are driven, maybe the luxury lifestyle IS just around the corner for you. Yes, maybe a longer corner than a couple months, but a couple years? That’s realistic.

Where To Start?

I’m assuming you are starting from scratch here, and this is probably a fair assumption because that’s where I started from, $0. I’m telling you this will not be a problem.

Initially you will be scared to take risk or dedicate your time to this, people have probably tried to scam you out of hard earned money before through MLM schemes or overcharging for “make money now” guides.

I have an absolutely free solution to your problem.

Become An Affiliate Marketer

Buying a Lamborghini should not be the first thing on your list of to-dos. While it is a great goal, you want to make sure that you have built yourself a solid passive income that is growing each month.

If you want more information on the basics of being an entrepreneur I recently wrote a post on “Being An Entrepreneur With No Money”.

Think about this for a second:

How much time do you spend surfing the internet? Reading reviews before buying things? Learning new things? Posting on Social Media?

What if you were making money doing all these things you do anyway?

Where there is a will there is a way. If you become an Affiliate for any site, you are eligible to receive commissions from promoting their products.

Here’s how it works: I write a blog post, like this one for example… Integrate an Ad or a Link (See Below)

Then, say you see something you like and go buy it through that Ad, I receive commission from it. The exact same thing happens when you join affiliate programs.

You can take the same routes I have and build multiple websites with a ton of content on different products and push Amazon ads all day, or you can join an Affiliate Program and receive commission while learning.

Affiliate Program That Teaches You

I’m part of a fantastic community on the internet that teaches you exactly how to build an affiliate website and grow you businesses online. It has turned out to be extremely successful for me thus far, and allows me to generate a passive income.

This passive income can be anywhere from $20-20,000 a month. In fact, there are people that perform much better than I do that can make six figures a month with the right content.

The benefit of this community is that you can sign up absolutely FREE. You actually never have to pay anything if you don’t want to, but if you go Premium for $49 monthly, you can double your commission values when people sign up to learn.

If you want to read more about the specifics of this program I encourage you to shoot over and read my review on Wealthy Affiliate as it sheds a lot of light on just how quality this program is.

Anyone Can Be An Affiliate

People always come to me and say, “I’m waiting to finish college” or “I have a full time job”, this is absolutely no excuse. I literally spend around 30 minutes a day creating genuine content for my readers, they respond, and it generates revenue. If you can’t dedicate 30 minutes a day to pursuing your dreams, then you weren’t meant to achieve your dreams.

That statement is not to be a stab at anyone, but if you don’t work hard you will not reap the benefits.

There are Winners and Losers in this life, and it’s up to you to make yourself a winner.

Do what I did, get excited, build your website for free, upgrade to Premium, begin to generate passive income online, from home, without a brick and mortar investment.

You’ll be living a lifestyle of financial freedom and luxury in just a short couple years, put in the time now, hustle every day, see results.

Pursue, Grow, Achieve, Succeed.

If you want to learn more about how I generate income online, please feel free to drop a comment down below, or head over to my Wealthy Affiliate Profile and I’ll be sure to chat with you there.


How To Be An Entrepreneur With No Money

Many people use the excuse that they have no money to start their own business. This usually holds people back from really pursuing their dreams or pushing forward with ideas.

This is the exact problem with most people today, they are afraid of failure. What they fail to realize, is that you don’t have to have money to be an entrepreneur.

Different Types of Entrepreneurs

There are different types of entrepreneurs, and in order to become an entrepreneur yourself you need to know what these are.

  1. Brick and Mortar Style Entrepreneurs. These are the entrepreneurs that go out, take out a small business loan, risk their hard earned cash on a piece of property, a lease, or manufacturing a product. While this is an okay way to become an entrepreneur, it’s not going to be done with no money down.
  2. Online Sales Entrepreneurs. These are the entrepreneurs that build a website, sink some money into manufacturing a product once again, and then sell that product online through their websites. This can work as well, and over time maybe this is where you plan to be. However, when you’re just starting out this can’t be done. Reason? You have no money.
  3. Affiliate Marketing Entrepreneurs. This is the category you will fall into. Affiliate Marketing Entrepreneurs are those that build websites, generate quality content, and then advertise other sites products. A common example is Amazon’s Affiliate Program. All the traffic you send to their site that generates sales ends with you receiving commission.

Where to start?

I know you probably have no idea how you’re going to kick off your career as an entrepreneur, and I understand that you are here looking for help. I’m here to provide you that help.

The first step to becoming a successful entrepreneur is to build a website. Usually this task is extremely daunting, but luckily, there are resources out there like SiteRubix through Wealthy Affiliate that will help you to build a website for free. Click on the picture below to get a detailed walkthrough on creating your site.

In my opinion, I like to have my own personalized domain names so I actually do go purchase a domain as soon as I get the chance, but for now, we have no money so free domains it is!

Ideally you want to build out a few pages of really good content, allow your reader to understand who you are and gain some trust that what you post is meant for good. Once you get a website framework up and running you can move on to the next step.

Finding Your Niche

A niche is the specific topic or area of interest you want your site to target. If you are really into a particular sport, say baseball, then you would want to focus your website around your favorite part of the game.

If you really like baseball bats, a more specific niche, then maybe you can build a site that talks about the best bats for their price, and market them through Amazon. The sales you get on bats through Amazon will allow you to make commission, and considering baseball bats aren’t cheap, you can make a decent commission on every bat you sell.

Baseball bats are really just one example of a niche you can choose for your online business, ideally over time you will develop a couple sites that you really enjoy managing, and that’s how you will begin to generate a passive income.

Scaling Up and Tying to Social Media

Now I’ve recently discovered a great Instagram Growth Strategist by the name of Anthony Carbone. He shows you the basics of Instagram, and how to begin generating income through social media with his Wolf Millionaire Training Guide.

Personally, I like to tie my sites to social media. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook see more traffic than almost any other site besides Google in a day. If you can learn and understand how to generate an active, interested following, then usually this will create traffic to your site, or allow you to advertise for others on these social media platforms. This brings me to my next point:


Eventually you will want to advertise. There are multiple forms of advertisement. A good example is PPC or Pay Per Click advertisement. If you want to learn more about specific types of advertising I’d suggest checking out this free course:

After you understand the different forms of advertising, and when and where to use them, you will start to realize that your online business is now generating more revenue than you had initially imagined.

Getting Your Cash

Ideally, you’ll be creating an income in just a few short weeks. Now you have to understand that becoming an entrepreneur with no money is not necessarily easy, otherwise everyone would be doing it. But, with some time and effort, and the creation of a quality website that fits within your niche, you’ll be affiliate marketing yourself to the big bucks in no time.

I personally have seen plenty of my friends turn $0 initial investments into hundred of thousands of dollars in just a few months. How do you think I ended up in this field?

I hope that this give you a solid introduction into the basics of becoming an online entrepreneur, and I hope that you’re now ready to start your journey on the path to creating generational wealth and passive income on the internet. If you want the tools that you need to learn exactly how to become a successful online marketer, check out my Wealthy Affiliate Review and see what you think.